School (кроссворд)
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3. a plan that gives events or activities and the times that they will happen or be done 4. an amount of money given to a person by an organization to pay for their education, usually at a college or university 6. something that you must do due to a rule or a law 8. a special set of clothes that are worn by people who do a particular job or people who go to a particular school 9. a student who lives at school 10. a number or letter that is written on a piece of work, saying how good the work is 11. someone who has only recently arrived or started doing something
1. Expensive private school in BrE 2. a document written by a teacher giving details of a student's progress in school 4. one of the two periods that the school year is divided in some countries 5. a course of study that you choose to do 7. a school providing education that the children's parents pay directly